After a year …

After a year as an Art Student, the woman who wishes her older son would make cheerful movies has created these, among other things:

It's a little startling to come upon this plaster chap at the front door ...


... called 'Locked In', and modelled on a resident in Mollie's dementia ward ...


... and a little disturbing to have this Penny-as-Frida on the bedroom wall.

2 responses to “After a year …

  1. Jonathan,
    Sorry I’m not sure of the history but I assume you mean your wife is studying art. Please tell her I love the painting you call “Penny- as- Freda”. I thought you might have meant Frida Kahlo? maybe not? Anyway it is so well done; the colour, the composition, the pose, it all works.

    Anyway, both of them are lovely. There’s something very vibrant and meaningful about having some art around the place that you’ve created yourself. Abigail


  2. Thanks, Abigail. You’ve read the situation correctly, and I’m sure Penny will be pleased to read your comment (she generally readsd tehblog, but rarly comments). I will now correct my spelling of Frida Karlo’s first name – thank you for your tact.


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