
3tlIt’s all very well reading stuff online, but for my money you can’t beat the feel of a dead-tree book in your hand. Likewise, I enjoy putting my verses up on the blog, but it’s not the same as having them in an actual book. So in December last year, for the third time I collected verses written during the previous 12 months and got a book together thanks to, again with a cover by the Emerging Artist, this time one of her fabulous ceramics. It’s now available from Lulu and Amazon.

Apart from pure vanity, my main motive for this and previous self-publishing ventures is to make a small gift to give friends the end of the year. If you’re a friend who hasn’t got a copy, then it’s an oversight on my part. Tell me in the comments or by email and I’ll send you one.


2 responses to “Self-promotion

  1. No, no, no, that’s not how the authoring business works, Jonathan. Your friends and relations BUY your book, then your publicist forms them into an orderly line and apologises for the wait, while you smile and chat and make each fan feel special as you inscribe each copy with a TOTALLY FREE signature. Very happy to purchase one in return for the thrill of meeting the writer in person.


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