Xanthorrhoea rising

Here’s a little Easter story.

When we moved to our current house six years ago, we transplanted our beautiful xanthorrhoea (grass tree) from the pot in which it had thrived just outside the kitchen window in our old house into the ground in our new back yard. After about two years, it was ailing. On the advice of a local nursery owner we cut it back severely, and for a time it revived, even putting out a spike for the first time ever. I blogged about it here.

But the revival was short lived. The spike fell off and then it turned very sick and brown. I followed the folk advice and set fire to a cardboard carton on its head, but to no avail. It really really died and has stood as a memorial to itself for at least two years.

And now this:

Haec dies quam fecit dominus. Exultemus et laetemur in ea!

8 responses to “Xanthorrhoea rising

  1. ‘…stood as a memorial to itself…’
    Wry 🙂


  2. Yay for the resurrection of your Xanthorrhoea!


  3. You sure that’s not a weed that’s taken root!! Sorry, that was uncalled for. I’ve always wanted a Xanthorrhoea but have never been brave enough to try one.

    BTW, re your previous post on it, if they don’t like transplanting how on earth do you start in the first place – in the sense that most people don’t start by a seed and wait 20 years but buy a thriving plant.


    • It’s a fair question, Sue. Two fair questions in fact. We’re pretty sure the new growth is xanthorrhoea, though it cold be a new one growing in the corpse of the old.

      We bought ours as an adult plant in a pot, with a certificate of permission attached. I have no idea how long it had been growing at the nursery, but I’m happy to leave that to people of horticultural leanings


  4. My commiserations Jonathan. Most natives hate being moved especially grass trees. Time tod get it a sister.


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